काठमाडौँ, ०१ भदौ - सिट क्षमताभन्दा बढी यात्रु चढाउने गाडीको तत्काल रुट परमिट र चालकको लाइसेन्स खारेज हुने भएको छ । क्षमताभन्दा बढी यात्रु बोकेकै कारण काभ्रेमा सोमबार बस दुर्घटना भएको निष्कर्ष निकाल्दै भौतिक पूर्वाधार तथा यातायात मन्त्रालयले अब सवारी कानुन उल्लंघन गर्ने सबै सार्वजनिक गाडी, तिनका मालिक र चालकलाई कडा कारबाही गर्ने निर्णय गरेको हो।
मन्त्रालयले यातायात व्यवस्था विभाग तथा सडक विभागका अधिकारी, यातायात व्यवसायी, नेपाल प्रहरी र ट्राफिक प्रहरी अधिकृतसहित सरोकारवालासित मंगलबार बैठक गरी यस्तो निर्णय गरेको हो।
मन्त्रालयले यातायात व्यवस्था विभाग तथा सडक विभागका अधिकारी, यातायात व्यवसायी, नेपाल प्रहरी र ट्राफिक प्रहरी अधिकृतसहित सरोकारवालासित मंगलबार बैठक गरी यस्तो निर्णय गरेको हो।
बैठकले सिट क्षमताभन्दा बढी यात्रु चढाएको पाए तत्कालै गाडीको रुट परमिट (सडकमा सञ्चालन अनुमति) तथा चालकको लाइसेन्स खारेज र अधिकतम दण्ड जरिवाना गर्ने निर्णय गरेको भौतिक पूर्वाधार तथा यातायातमन्त्री रमेश लेखकले जानकारी दिए।
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The cost of broadband service is higher annually than the cheaper
dial-up version by $100 to $500, but given the advantages and ease of a
broadband connection, it is well worth the cost. A broadband connection allows you to play many
popular computer games that rely on a fast Internet connection. Broadband connection, unlike the old dial-up
internet connection, will not engage your phone line when in use. In fact,
having a broadband connection makes it possible for you to obtain an Internet
phone service so you will no longer need the traditional phone line at
all. Another great benefit of a
broadband connection is that you are constantly connected to the Internet. You
are quickly able to connect with your work's intranet and email in a matter of
seconds. Many people considering between
these broadband Internet service options generally narrow the search to the
most popular services which are DSL and cable. A good approach when researching
your options would be to ask those in the area you are considering, which
service they are using and how it is working for them. Even though cable broadband Internet service
offers a speedy internet connection, this fast speed will not be realized if
the connection itself cannot be relied on. For example, the cable connection
you receive depends on the shared bandwidth, the number of users on the system
at any time, and the latency on the network.
The bandwidth is just one factor that determines the Internet
connection's speed. It is a measure of the quantity of data that enters the
network over a period of time, and is measured in bps, or bits per second. The
greater the data flow, the better the network Internet connection. In broadband
connections the supported data rates are generally 300 Kbps and higher, as
opposed to the old dial-up maximum of 53Kbps.
Latency is another factor that affects the cable Internet connection's
speed. Latency refers to delays incurred in the network data processing. A
network is described as low latency if it experiences only small delay times,
and high latency if it suffers with long delays. When the latency becomes
excessive, data transmission causes a bottleneck that prevents addition data
from coming through and this effectively reduces cable's Internet connection
bandwidth. So even though the cable bandwidth of your Internet connection is
set, its effectiveness can be reduced by bottlenecks of data and a high number
of users on the system . Again, with a
broadband DSL connection, the connection speed of the Internet can be severely
reduced by the distance a subscriber is located from the switching station. The
further away the subscriber is from the switching station, the slower the
Internet connection.e by Conversant
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